Sunday, July 22, 2007


This is your final warning. DO NOT READ if you care about HARRY POTTER - you have been warned.

And I am not ordered by the Pope to do this, BTW.
The book is out now so I don't think God cares anymore.


Snape (which sounds like snake and in the movies is played by Ian Fleming or someone, but he was also in Robin Hood as the sheriff and he is really the most fun to watch - hardly annoying at all) turns good. Remember when he protected the kids from Lupin who was a wearwolf and lupine means wolf so isn't that cool and clever? He was under orders from Dumbledore (which is such a cute name cuz it sounds like "stumbling" and "dumb" and "dwarf" which is soooo English but he was a really nice old guy who died and it was really sad but everyone loved him).

Some people think Snape was just saving Harry (also a funny name - v. English, like naming a pudding Spotted Dick - ha ha ha!) so that Voldemort (who is the really bad guy and people can't say his name so they just call him He-who-cannot-be-named which I think is sooo cool!) could use Harry (ha ha! Just thinking of some harry things - what a funny name!) to revive at the end of Goblet of Fire. But even if Snape was on the Death Eaters' side (another name for He-who-cannot-be-named - also cool!), he didn't know since Voldemort started planning his revival at the beginning of Goblet of Fire, and the only person he told was Peter Pettigrew (aka wormtail).

Okay, so then there's Malfoy who is really cute in the movies. He is a kid at the Wizard School which is called Hogwarts which is a very English name - did you know that there are places in England called
Happy Bottom, Horsey Windpump and Tumby Woodside? Any way, the big news is not who dies ('cuz really, who cares. We know people in stories can always come back to life) because in the last moment J.K. Rawling says that THERE WILL BE ANOTHER BOOK!


I hate Harry Potter.

Granted, I am very jealous of the author for being so popular and rich. She is a pretty good writer, and there are some interesting plot twists, but I cannot stand any of the characters or the way they are treated. Harry is a big whiny milksop of a boy who doesn't deserve anything because all he does is whine and duck and hide and "screw up his courage" only no fail so that he can whine some more. His friends are stereotypical sidekicks. The villains are trite. The clever bits are few and far between, and the "between" is annoying and tedious and so freaking long!

My mom pointed out to me that she was surprised that kids in the US would accept the way people are treated in the books since it is so "English boarding school" - i.e. very different from US public schools (which in a way plays into the "no talking back / fighting back / standing up for yourself" stuff that I find so annoying.)

I told a friend that I usually hate things that are super popular (Seinfeld, Friends, Survivor, American Idol) and probably hate Harry Potter because no one else does. He said, "yeah, but all those Christian right-wingers hate him since they think Harry will turn kids into Pagans." I responded, "no, I'm talking about real people. Those people don't count as their arguments are not based on anything I care to consider as meaningful."

I can think of one thing right off though that breaks my hate-everything-popular rule, and that's Naruto, but it has become so popular that now to actually like it is un-cool (at least in anime subculture). Never fear - the commander in Chief is here - and he has a red line to... Mr. T!

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